 Strategyproof and budget-balanced mechanisms for assembly, Operations Research Letters (2025), available online here.[DOI: 10.1016/j.orl.2025.107256]
Bargaining for Assembly, with Dhritiman Gupta, Theory and Decision (2022), available online here. [DOI: 10.1007/s11238-022-09917-5]
Assembly Problems, with Dhritiman Gupta, in Game Theory and Networks. Indian Statistical Institute Series, edited by Surajit Borkotokey et al. (2021), Springer
Optimal Mechanism for Land Acquisition, Review of Economic Design (2021) 26, 87-116, available online here. [DOI: 10.1007/s10058-021-00256-5]
Predatory Pricing and the Notion of Multi-Market Dominance: A Case of the Indian Telecom Industry, with Sumedha Shukla, in Business, Economics and Sustainable Development : The Emerging Horizons, edited by Manipadma Datta et al.(2020), Bloomsbury (ISBN: 9789389867947)
Auctions, Negotiation and Winner's Curse in Coal Mining in India, International Journal of Management Practice (2021) 14 (1), 35-48, PDF (The final publication is available at Inderscience via [DOI: 10.1504/IJMP.2021.10033340
])Convergence of VCG Mechanism to ex-post Budget Balance in a Model of Land Acquisition, Mathematical Social Sciences (2018) 93, 37-46, PDF (The final publication is available at Elsevier via [DOI: 10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2018.01.004])
Mechanism Design for Land Acquisition, International Journal of Game Theory (2017), 46(3), 783-812, PDF (The final publication is available at Springer via [DOI: 10.1007/s00182-016-0556-4])
Working Papers:
Strategy proof Allocations with Negative Externality, with Mridu Prabal Goswami and Mani Pushpak Mitra
Unit Commitment in a Federalised Power Market: A Mixed Integer Programming Approach, with Atul Kumar and Payal Mitra
My Ph.D. Thesis:
Mechanism Design for Land Acquisition, PDF